Glide-Lock Mfg, Inc.


How to Wash Blue Kitchen Cabinets

If you’re looking for a way to update your kitchen without spending a lot of money, consider washing your blue kitchen cabinets. It’s a simple process that can give your kitchen a fresh look. Here’s how to do it:

  • Use A Degreaser

There are several different ways to clean your blue kitchen cabinets before painting. One of the best methods is to use a degreaser. Degreasers are designed to remove grease and grime from your cabinets. A good degreaser will remove the grease from your cabinets and ensure that the paint sticks to the surface. A degreaser is available for purchase in most hardware stores. You should read the label to ensure the one you buy is safe.

  • Applying the wash

Whether your blue kitchen cabinets are painted or made of wood, there are some basic steps to clean them. The key is to use paint-safe cleaners and to regularly wipe them clean. Cleaning your cabinets every week will prevent the build-up of grease and bacteria. A good way to remove stains is to mix baking soda and water in a paste. Apply the paste with a soft cloth and scrub in a circular motion.

You can use a solution of white vinegar and warm water for heavy stains. You can add dish soap or liquid dishwashing detergent to the solution. After cleaning, you can rinse the cabinets and drawers with clear water. If you have wood-grained cabinetry, you may want to condition it first. This will raise the grain of the wood. If you do not want to condition the wood, it is possible to apply a coat of paint. However, the base color will still be visible. You can also apply a non-yellowing protective top coat to protect the wood from within. This protects the wood’s pores and should be done about 1 to 2 days after sanding.

  • Waiting for the paint to cure

Whether you’re painting your blue kitchen cabinets for the first time or updating your kitchen, you’ll need to wait for the paint to cure before you bluewash your kitchen cabinets. If you do not wait for the paint to cure, you will be left with an unsightly mess. The good news is that waiting for the paint to cure will allow you to avoid chips and marks.

The best way to wait for the paint to cure before you do a blue wash on your kitchen cabinets is to clean your kitchen well. This means sanding the surfaces and removing dust. You will also need to use a good degreaser, such as Krud Kutter, a heavy-duty, non-toxic cleaner. Next, you’ll need to clean the cabinet doors. You’ll also want painter’s tape to protect your kitchen from splashes. You can also use a drop cloth to protect your countertops. You should also label your hardware. This will make it easy to reinstall your cabinets after the paint has cured.
